Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Medical Engineering and Microelectronics

Sebastian Greding
German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative, European Trademark and Design Attorney
As a patent attorney, I assist clients in crafting the most effective IP strategy tailored to their inventions, business case, and overarching business strategy. By deeply understanding both the technology involved and the business landscape, I ensure robust protection of their IP assets. This entails close collaboration with clients to deliver tailored IP protection solutions. Before joining Berggren in 2023, I was partner at a boutique law firm in Munich. I was trained and worked as patent attorney in well-renowned patent law firms in Munich and Düsseldorf.
Tavaramerkin suojaaminen, Muotoilun suojaaminen, Loukkausanalyysit, IPR-strategia, IPR-portfolion johtaminen ja analysointi, Oma IPR-ammattilainen palveluna, Toiminnanvapausselvitys (FTO), IP Due Diligence, IPR-loukkaukset, Keksinnön patentointi, BERGGREN IP CONSULTING, BERGGREN PATENTS, IPR-suunnitelma
Patent prosecution, opposition and appeal proceedings in the fields of medical inventions, software, in particular, machine learning and AI, as well as general engineering
Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (ICT), tekoäly (AI), kvanttiteknologia, Elektroniikka ja sähkötekniikka, optiikka