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Berggren | Sebastian Greding

München, Saksa

+49 / (0)89 / 44 370 370 – 0

Ota yhteyttä

Sebastian Greding

Alalla vuodesta 2014

German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative, European Trademark and Design Attorney

As a patent attorney, I assist clients in crafting the most effective IP strategy tailored to their inventions, business case, and overarching business strategy. By deeply understanding both the technology involved and the business landscape, I ensure robust protection of their IP assets. This entails close collaboration with clients to deliver tailored IP protection solutions. Before joining Berggren in 2023, I was partner at a boutique law firm in Munich. I was trained and worked as patent attorney in well-renowned patent law firms in Munich and Düsseldorf.


Tavaramerkin suojaaminen, Muotoilun suojaaminen, Loukkausanalyysit, IPR-strategia, IPR-portfolion johtaminen ja analysointi, Oma IPR-ammattilainen palveluna, Toiminnanvapausselvitys (FTO), IP Due Diligence, IPR-loukkaukset, Keksinnön patentointi, BERGGREN IP CONSULTING, BERGGREN PATENTS, IPR-suunnitelma


Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Medical Engineering and Microelectronics


Patent prosecution, opposition and appeal proceedings in the fields of medical inventions, software, in particular, machine learning and AI, as well as general engineering


Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (ICT), tekoäly (AI), kvanttiteknologia, Elektroniikka ja sähkötekniikka, optiikka