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Berggren helps BSAG in caring for the Baltic Sea

Apr 23, 2021

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    Berggren is a Full-Service European IP Law Firm. We provide high-quality, comprehensive and business-oriented services and digital solutions for all areas of intellectual property to help our clients develop the best possible IP strategy. Berggren is your strategic partner for growth and development of your business.

    What can Berggren do to help the Baltic Sea and the environment in general? This was the subject of inspiring discussions between Berggren and the Baltic Sea Action Group in the spring of 2021 during which time Berggren agreed to contribute financially to the BSAG foundation. Both parties look forward to a collaborative relationship and in learning from each other.

    Innovation is our core business, and innovation is also needed, of course, for solving global challenges related to the environment. At Berggren we want to offer appropriate assistance to clients that are tackling climate and environmental issues. We also want everyone at Berggren to become as knowledgeable as possible about these issues.

    "We already started discussions with Berggren on the role of intangible rights in meeting challenges and on how to balance protection of innovation with the urgent demands of sustainable development. We believe such discussions should take place increasingly between experts, and that it is important to recognize different perspectives. We also believe that we can learn a lot from each other as our cooperation proceeds", says Michaela Ramm-Schmidt, Managing Director of BSAG.

    By observing nature's own operations, it is possible to find operating principles which are sustainable and respect the environment. Innovation can play an important role in these activities.

    "At BSAG, we want to help in reversing the process of ecosystems from degeneration to regeneration. In this work, business activities and innovation are of vital importance. By making smart innovations and adapting to the intelligence manifest in nature, we can help the Baltic Sea, the climate and the globe in a broader sense", Ramm-Schmidt enthusiastically noted.

    "At Berggren, we find that BSAG plays an important role in protecting the Baltic Sea. We believe that every individual and enterprise, irrespective of their sector, can have a positive impact on the state of the environment. Numerous projects promoted by BSAG take environmental concerns and consciousness forward in concrete terms. Moreover, know-how provided by BSAG to Berggren opens up new means for development and success not only for Berggren directly but also for clients of Berggren, in terms of and also for the benefit of the environment", according to Sakari Värilä, VP of Customer Success, Berggren.

    "There are many ways in which we can help the Baltic and all of them are needed. BSAG, however, does not have substantial capital, so our operations rely on funding initiatives. Donations made by enterprises are the critical backbone of our funding. Warm thanks to Berggren for their donation which is important in enabling our work", says Michaela Ramm-Schmidt.

    BSAG is an independent foundation which was established in 2008 with the aim of restoring a good ecological balance of the Baltic Sea under changing climate conditions. The work of BSAG is based on constructive cooperation between different actors. BSAG works as a matchmaker, bringing researchers and decision-makers together, activating companies to find and implement solutions, and bringing together the parties needed to save the Baltic Sea.

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