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Berggren Brokerage service – A new option for utilizing intellectual property

Feb 16, 2017

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    Berggren is a Full-Service European IP Law Firm. We provide high-quality, comprehensive and business-oriented services and digital solutions for all areas of intellectual property to help our clients develop the best possible IP strategy. Berggren is your strategic partner for growth and development of your business.

    Berggren Group has launched an innovative solution for commercializing IPs. This new model for commercializing licensing and selling IP offers companies better opportunities to effectively utilize their intellectual property, boost growth, and develop international business.

    Huge potential – hidden IPs

    Over 160,000 patent applications were filed with the European Patent Office on 2015. Companies invest considerably in patenting, but do not necessarily utilize its commercial potential enough. When concentrating on its core business, a company may leave valuable intellectual property unused. The same applies also to trademarks and brands where unused potential can be found as well. In the U.S., licensing of brands and especially licensing of merchandise products has already long been a billion-dollar business. In the technology business, versatile commercialization of IPs is almost a prerequisite.


    Berggren pioneering a change

    In the U.S., utilizing intellectual property is often in strategic focus of the companies’ business whereas companies in Europe have not come quite as far yet. Commercialization takes resources and expertise which a company does not necessarily have. As the first in Finland and one of the few in Europe, Berggren now introduces to the market a model for commercializing licensing and selling of intellectual property, a service called Berggren Brokerage. This service aims at finding new commercial opportunities for potential intellectual property rights. With the Berggren Brokerage service it is possible to utilize third party financing arranged by Berggren and designed to reduce the risk for a company in starting to commercialize its intellectual property.
    ”Our experts have comprehensive and profound IP knowledge from global technology companies. Now we want to offer a new way of utilizing intellectual property with an even smaller risk”, says Mika Lehtinen, Vice President at Berggren.

    VisionPlus financial fund Berggren’s partner

    Berggren partners with the VisionPlus financial fund run by Tero Ojanperä. “Companies have good IP assets which are not being fully used. Berggren offers an excellent service which helps companies to realize the value of those IP assets”, Ojanperä states.

    Commercial utilization of patents and other IP rights internationally requires technical, business, and legal know-how and the Berggren Brokerage service concept offers all of these. For more information, please contact Vice President Mika Lehtinen or visit

    Further information:
    Mika Lehtinen, Vice President, tel. +358 50 518 1816, Berggren Group:
    Berggren Brokerage:

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