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Berggren participated actively in the INTA Annual Meeting in Barcelona

Jun 8, 2017

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    Berggren is a Full-Service European IP Law Firm. We provide high-quality, comprehensive and business-oriented services and digital solutions for all areas of intellectual property to help our clients develop the best possible IP strategy. Berggren is your strategic partner for growth and development of your business.

    A group of Berggren’s experts participated in the INTA Annual Meeting 20.-24.5. in Barcelona. This year INTA (International Trademark Association) gathered together a record setting amount of participants with over 10 500 trademark experts and brand owners from around the world.

    Berggren wanted to celebrate its 80-year journey with its international agent network, business partners as well as brand owning clients and organized the Berggren 80 Birthday Brunch during the meeting. Somewhat a hundred guests took part in the festivities.

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    Berggren was also actively a part of the conference itself as, among other things, Jukka Palm moderated an INTA Table Topic and Paula Sailas took part in the INTA Enforcement-committee’s meetings. The conference’s current lectures and the several meetings with the agent network strengthened Berggren’s international know-how and the requirement’s for successful cooperation in the development of a premier full-service IP house.

    This year the CEO Hannu Syrjälä, IP lawyers Tarja Tchernych, Milla Lehtoranta, Jukka Palm, Sebastian Henn, Paula Sailas, EU trademark attorney Soile Järvenpää, European patent attorney Mika Laajalahti as well as IPR Business Manager Taru Kallio-Nyholm participated the INTA Annual Meeting on behalf of Berggren.

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