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New office in Alicante, Spain

Sep 14, 2022

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    Berggren is a Full-Service European IP Law Firm. We provide high-quality, comprehensive and business-oriented services and digital solutions for all areas of intellectual property to help our clients develop the best possible IP strategy. Berggren is your strategic partner for growth and development of your business.

    Berggren has opened a new office in Alicante, Spain on 1 September 2022.  Our newest office will be located close to the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) and will strengthen Berggren´s trademark and design practice with a local presence in Southern Europe. Our office in Alicante will allow Berggren and EUIPO connections to become even stronger.

    Berggren’s Alicante office will be led by a mother tongue Spanish speaking professional, Paula de Andrés Gómez, who is originally from Alicante, has over 20 years of IP experience and is qualified to represent clients before the EUIPO. 

    As part of Berggren’s Legal, Brands and Designs Practice and in collaboration with Berggren’s Patents Practice, the Alicante office offers a wide range of services for protection, enforcement and commercialisation of intellectual property rights in the EU and worldwide, as well as a variety of legal services.

    Berggren Alicante, Spain address: Avenida Perfecto Palacio de la Fuente, 6 Edificio Panoramis, 03003 Alicante.planta1View from the Alicante Office, located in Panoramis Business Center.

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