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Sustainable and responsible business

Kestävä ja vastuullinen liiketoiminta (2)

Our Goals

We are driven by our vision of creating a positive and sustainable impact on the world. We empower and inspire our clients and colleagues to tackle the challenges of tomorrow with innovative and responsible solutions. We leverage our expertise and experience in sustainability themes to deliver value for our clients.

Our sustainability strategy is based on four key elements, which you can find below. You can also download our full sustainability strategy document from the link.


Learn more about our sustainability strategy

Our four key elements

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Engaged and wellbeing employees

We aim to be the #1 responsible workplace in the IP field. 

We invest in our people by offering learning opportunities and meaningful work. We support a culture of well-being, diversity and inclusiveness. 

Engaged and successful clients

We work in a rapidly changing market with ever increasing challenges. We use our comprehensive legal, technical, and financial experties, to help our clients respond to these challenges while considering the principles of sustainable development. 


We demonstrate high ethical standards as well as responsible and transparent business practices.

We integrate ethical business practices and information security to our culture and daily work. We train our people regularly to meet changing requirements.


We aim to continually reduce our environmental footprint and take environmental factors into account in our purchasing processes.

We continue digitalizing our processes and to enable a hybrid working model for all employees in order to reduce need for travelling as well as employee wellbeing.

Yhteiskunnan hyväksi toimiminen

Työntekijöidemme kouluttaminen

Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) on voittoa tavoittelematon säätiö, joka toteuttaa tehokkaita toimia Itämeren pelastamiseksi. Heidän tavoitteenaan on palauttaa Itämeren hyvä ekologinen tasapaino muuttuvissa ilmasto-olosuhteissa. BSAG:n tarjoama asiantuntemus avaa uusia mahdollisuuksia ympäristötietoiseen kehitykseen ja menestykseen, ei ainoastaan Berggrenille itselleen, vaan myös yrityksemme asiakkaille.

FIBS on Suomen johtava yritysvastuutapahtumien järjestäjä, ja FIBS-jäsenenä me Berggrenillä kannustamme työntekijöitämme osallistumaan heidän tapahtumiinsa oppimaan uusista kestävän kehityksen työkaluista ja käytännöistä, kuulemaan inspiroivia tapauskertomuksia eri teollisuudenaloilta sekä jakamaan tietoa ja kokemuksia.


BSAG: Teemme vuosittaisia lahjoituksia BSAG:lle osana yhteistyötämme.

SOS LAPSIKYLÄT: Teemme vuosittaisia lahjoituksia SOS Lapsikylille, ja järjestämme myös vuosittaisen kesätyökampanjan, jossa tarjoamme kesätöitä alle 18-vuotiaille nuorille SOS Lapsikylän kautta.

Työntekijöidemme kannustaminen ja tukeminen

Etsimme jatkuvasti tapoja vähentää toimintamme ympäristövaikutuksia entisestään. Sitoudumme tukemaan ja kumppanoitumaan voittoa tavoittelemattomien järjestöjen kanssa, jotka ovat luotettavia toimijoita kestävän tulevaisuuden rakentamisen tehtävässä.



Giving back to the society

Training our employees

Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG), is a non-profit foundation that takes effective actions to save the Baltic Sea. Their goal is to restore the good ecological balance of the Baltic Sea in changing climate conditions. The know-how provided by BSAG  opens up new opportunities for environmentally conscious development and success, not only for Berggren directly but also for our firm’s clients.

FIBS is the leading corporate responsibility event organizer in Finland and, as a FIBS member, we at Berggren encourage our employees to participate in their events to learn about the latest sustainability tools and practices, hear inspiring case studies from different industries, and share information and experience.




BSAG: We give yearly donations to BSAG as part of our cooperation.

SOS LAPSIKYLÄT: We give yearly donations to SOS Lapsikylät and we also have a yearly summer job campaign where we offer summer jobs to young people under 18 through SOS Lapsikylät.

Encouraging and supporting our employees

We are continuously looking for ways to further mitigate the impact of our activities on the environment. We commit to supporting and partnering with non-profit organisation, who are reliable players in the mission of building a sustainable future.

YK_n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet (5)

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. After careful consideration, we have identified two specific goals that align with our expertise and where we can truly make a difference. These goals are 'Decent Work and Economic Growth (8)' and 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (9)'.

For more detailed information about the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, please visit the link below.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

How can we help?

If you have any questions or would like to give feedback, our team is ready to help!

Contact us