We help you identify the commercialization opportunities of your IP assets and offer tailored solutions for their monetization.

Commercializing your intellectual property
By commercializing your intellectual property, you maximize their economic potential, either by generating additional income for your company or by reducing unnecessary IPR expenses. We understand that this requires special expertise, which is not always available within your company.
We offer an experienced team for IPR commercialization. We have successfully implemented many international patent commercialization projects.
Choosing us as your IPR partner, you can rely on our thorough background work and negotiation skills, ensuring the best possible financial outcome.
Put your intellectual property to good use
Selling IP
Buying IP
Technology sales and licensing
Monetization analysis
IP Licensing

Mika Lehtinen
VP of Berggren Brokerage, IP Consulting, Patent Attorney
+358 50 518 1816
+358 10 227 2333

Mika Pinolehto
IPR Business Manager, Patent Attorney
+358 50 486 9663
+358 10 227 2117

Jatta Toro
IP Business Advisor, Patent Attorney
+358 40 187 8485
+358 10 227 2368
How can we help?
If you have any questions or would like to give feedback, our team is ready to help!
Contact us