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Data protection

Comprehensive data protection services

We assist our clients with questions and evaluations related to the implementation and interpretation of the requirements of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act, and prepare data protection documentation such as data protection practices, descriptions of processing activities, personal data processing agreements and data protection policies. We also assist our clients in assessing the impact of data protection and in data protection audits. Our expertise covers both legal and technical aspects.

Examples of matters related to data protection:

  • Drafting data protection policies, descriptions of data processing activities and agreements concerning the processing of personal data

  • Data protection audits and surveys within organisations

  • Data protection impact assessments and risk assessments

  • Various reports on, for example, the processing and use of health data and biometric identifiers and the anonymisation of personal data

  • Grounds and requirements for the transfer of personal data outside the EU/EEA

  • Responding to requests for clarification sent by the Data Protection Ombudsman


Arttu Ahava

Lakimies, EU-tavaramerkki- ja mallioikeusasiamies

Contact us

Arttu Ahava

Lawyer, European Trademark and Design Attorney

Kaisa Fahllund

VP of IP & Technology Legal, Lawyer

Elisa Huusko

Lawyer, European Trademark Attorney

Suvi Julin

Lawyer, Patent Attorney, European Trademark and Design Attorney

Iiro Nurminen

Licensed Legal Counsel, European Trademark and Design Attorney

We are happy to help you

If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, our team is here to help you!

Contact us